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History Essay代写:母性社会
2017-02-12 00:56

History Essay代写:母性社会
While Queens found themselves facing many problems about legitimacy prior to their coronation as Monarch, they also had many more to come. The idea of marriage was one that served itself to be extremely problematic for a female ruler. While a King could essentially marry whomever he chose, a woman had to not only be selective in her suitor but also aware of the problems marriage may bring to her rulership. The Idea of a Queen as a wife was problematic as gender ideology imposed that a woman should be subordinate to her husband – “marriage was almost invariably the lot of every freeborn woman – an institution in which she was unilaterally deemed to be subordinate to her husband”[22] - but how shall a Queen be subordinate to a subject? It was almost impossible for a Queen to be a “petitioner and intercessor in her own country”[23]. This idea of joint roles brought on the transcendence of ‘two bodies’. The idea of the ‘Kings Two Bodies’ would be adopted for the female ruler, this idea that one body of the woman constitutes a wife, her human mortal self, while her separate entity remains Queen. However this proved difficult to physically impose and the problem was no better solved. What’s more, ideas of ownership – not just of the female- but of property too, caused confusion. Mary I had to deal first hand with this issue, many were cautious and believed that her marriage to Phillip may lead to a passing over of property, influence and therefore power. The role of wife was simply not compatible with the role of Queen as a result of pre-empted ideas of gender restrictions and rights. Perhaps this is why the unmarried Elizabeth I ruled so successfully. It seemed that being without a husband gave Elizabeth the “opportunity to redefine gender and royal authority roles by exploiting the ambiguity involved in the status of being a female king”[24].
However while marriage caused a gendered power struggle for Tudor Queens, remaining unmarried caused problems for both Sexes. If the Monarch remained unmarried, they would have no legitimate children and therefore provide no heir for securing the dynasty. While Elizabeth appeared successful in her rule, she failed in leaving a next-of-kin for the thrown. One of the most important characteristic of a Queen as both a Kings wife and a ruler in her own right was motherhood.
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