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2017-10-14 22:23
Some adaptations that could be used are allowing the students to read aloud to the class if they are comfortable enough to do so. Also, the students could get in groups and act out parts of the book that way students can visually see what the story is about. A research-based strategy that can be used is a concept map and it works just like graphic organizers. They can help a child to brainstorm and map out ideas. A concept map can be used before reading begins and students can share what they already know about a concept. Then, when the reading begins, students can add to the map as a group as the story progresses. Students can also draw pictures to help them remember or understand or even use pictures form the internet or cut out to help them.This lesson plan has accommodations already but some accommodations I could recommend is allowing a students to use a text to speech program to have the book read to them if they have difficulty with reading or communication disorder. For the particular book in the lesson plan, there is an audible version of the book for students to be able to listen to the story and follow along. For a final report, accommodations such as being able to use speak to text software can help a students to be able to write their report if they have a hard time typing or writing. That way the can see what is being typed out instead of having errors throughout their paper. They also can be paired up with a partner that can help them to write their paper and get in it on time.
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