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英国Business Essay 代写:新能源汽车
2019-12-23 17:55

随着新型电动车型和能源应用的不断扩大,特斯拉公司(Tesla Inc.)过去三年的销售收入持续大幅增长。这反映在特斯拉是最主要的电动汽车制造商,据报道拥有目前市场份额的29%。然而,由于生产成本和材料成本高,目前无法被最大产量抵消,特斯拉经历了持续的净亏损。该公司仍然专注于增加生产数量以降低单位成本,尽管研发成本仍然很高。这种关系如图2所示。由于汽车行业竞争激烈,特斯拉股价波动率高,其52周的收盘价范围在244.59-389.61之间。这也反映在它最近不断下降的股本回报率(ROE)上。目前的股本回报率为-38.8,与行业内的股本回报率存在巨大差异。尽管特斯拉的股票价值不断下跌,但华尔街的共识是持有该公司的股票,因为随着技术的不断发展,一款创新产品的发布会带来收入的增加,这对该公司来说仍然是有希望的。
英国Business Essay 代写:新能源汽车
With the expansion of new electric models and energy applications, Tesla Inc. has seen constant drastic increases in its revenue sales in the last three years. This is reflected in Tesla being the most dominate electric car manufacturer, holding a reported 29% of the current market share. However, due to high production costs and materials costs that cannot currently be offset by maximum production output, Tesla has experienced continual net losses. The company remains focused on increasing production numbers in order to decrease unit cost, although a high research and development cost will remain. This relationship is shown in Figure 2 Due to the high competition levels in the car industry, the stock price of Tesla suffers from a high volatility rate, holding 52-week closing price range between 244.59-389.61. This is also reflected in its recent decreasing return-on-equity (ROE) rates. The current ROE is -38.8, which differs vastly from equity returns within the industry. Despite the declining stock value of Tesla, the Wall Street Consensus is to hold stock, as the continuing technological developments an innovative product release resulting in revenue increases remains promising for the company.