
2018-02-13 19:49

Many factor either from internal or external bring huge impacts on the school kids' interest in school. Firstly, the school plays an important role in taking care of students' academic performances. The school concerns their students' academic performances and their school well built reputation. This is the reason how the school pushes the students and teachers so hard to maintain their performances in such a stressful situation. The class timetable consisted 9 periods a day, and each period is 40 minutes. Apparently, the whole day in school was sedentary activities instead of having any physical activities. Students were all day packed with lectures in class and stuck on the chair almost half a day non-stop. The only thing they will move their body is when they have to attend to the washroom or their 20 minutes recess times which they will just sit and eat. Initially, school cut down the physical education class into 2 periods once in a week for each class. Basically, once a week the students have their physical education class or the entire one and a half hours. The time schedules for physical education is simply unfair, either they arranges the class to after recess time or 2 periods before the school end.