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2017-03-26 15:44
Supremacy of EU law as a doctrine was developed even further in the Simmenthal[7] case. In this case the respondent company which had imported beef from France to Italy, had brought an action before the Pretore (Italian court) claiming repayment of the fees charged at inspection at the frontier on the grounds that these were incompatible with EU law. The ECJ agreed and the Pretore ordered repayment of the amounts. However, the Italian fiscal authorities objected that the national court could not just refuse to apply a national law that conflicted with Community law, but must first bring the matter before the Italian Constitutional Court to have the domestic law declared unconstitutional. The Pretore therefore referred the case again to the ECJ which ruled that all national courts must directly and immediately enforce a clear and unconditional provision of Community law, even where there is a directly conflicting national law of constitutional or other elevated status.So far the ENEL and Handelsgesellschaft cases had made this point clear, although Simmenthal highlighted a further problem. What happens if national courts have no domestic jurisdiction to question or to set aside national legislative acts? In Italy this function is carried out by the Constitutional Court, which explains why the tax authorities in Simmenthal questioned the Pretore’s order awarding the repayment of fees. The ECJ however, held that even if the Constitutional Court is the only national court with the power to pronounce on the constitutionality of a national law where a conflict arises, that court must give immediate effect to the Community law without awaiting the prior ruling of the constitutional court. The ECJ does not wish to be seen to create new areas of jurisdiction for national courts and accordingly national courts must not apply national rules that form an obstacle to the immediate applicability or effectiveness of Community law.
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