
2017-07-07 15:12

This is perhaps best envisioned in The Wife of Bath's Prologue. She mentions her having had "wedded five!" (Chaucer, 1995, line 44). However she is able to defend this position that she is in as God says "that to be wedded is no sinne" (Chaucer, 1995, line 51), she also asks when God "commanded he virgintee?" (Chaucer, 1995, line 62). She speaks out against the church and what they are saying in the medieval period, where women were given two stereotypes, either compared to the treacherous Eve, or had to live up to the standards of the Virgin Mary with her being both a virgin and a mother this was an impossible role model for women to achieve. The Wife of Bath is unashamedly a larger than life character designed to squash the constraints that medieval Christianity have placed upon women. She is a "matriarchal figure who has declared war on mankind" (Whittock, 1968, p119) Chaucer uses the Wife of Bath to defend womankind.Chaucer looks at the relationship between the two sexes, as it is often perceived that women were always the weaker of the two, due to all the constraints put upon them from the Medieval church. However Chaucer seems to argue that not only do they not deserve this, but that women are cleverly able to control men, by subtlety manipulating them, however they exist in a masculine world so "self-satisfied, or stupid to realise it" (Bunting, 2003, p45).