
2017-11-26 23:38

其他人格测验进行了HBDI性格测试。这个测试测量了一个人有左脑或右脑思维的倾向。这种倾向表明一个人是否更容易在思维上产生概念和实验倾向(快乐A,2004)。这种倾向在不同的职业中是不同的,有助于个人发现正确的职业。对于一个企业家来说,测试分析了企业家所需要的主要问题。测试有不同的象限。第一象限考虑到解决问题的能力。在做出决定之前,企业家必须有逻辑思维和分析事实。第二象限评估个人执行决策的能力。第三象限评估企业家沟通的能力。沟通对于企业来说非常重要。企业家沟通的能力确保了企业家在业务中协调其他利害关系人(Wickham P,2006)。测试的第四个象限评估了企业家承担风险的能力。风险承担对于企业家来说非常重要,决定了他们如何应对挑战和应对挫折。另一个测试是市场测试。营销对于一个企业来说是非常重要的。这个测试分析了企业家如何意识到潜在的市场和营销策略。此外,我参加了市场调查测试。这测试个人如何理解市场调查。提出的问题有助于个人对企业所需的市场研究进行评估。另一个测试是领导力测试。领导能力测试有助于评估参加考试的人的领导能力。企业家是各自业务的领导者。要想成为一个成功的企业家,一个人必须成为一个好的领导者。
The other personality test made was the HBDI personality test. This test measures the tendency of a person to have left-brain or right-brain thinking. This tendency tells whether a person is more likely to have conceptual and experimental tendency in thinking (Jolly A, 2004). This tendency is different in different professions and helps an individual to discover the right profession. For an entrepreneur, the test analyses the major issues that are necessary to the entrepreneur. The test has different quadrants. The first quadrant takes into consideration of the capacity to solve problems. An entrepreneur has to be able to think logically and analyse facts before making a decision. The second quadrant evaluates the ability of the person to implement the decision made. The third quadrant evaluates the ability of the entrepreneurs to communicate. Communication is very essential for businesses. The ability of the entrepreneur to communicate ensures the entrepreneur to coordinate other stake holders in the business (Wickham P, 2006). The fourth quadrant of the test evaluates the capability of the entrepreneurs to take risks. Risk taking is very important to entrepreneurs and determines how they would handle challenges and respond to setbacks. The other test made was the marketing test. Marketing is very essential to a business. This test analyses how an entrepreneur is aware of the potential market and marketing strategies. Also, I took a market research test. This tests how an individual understands market research. The questions presented help the individual to evaluate market research needed for the business. The other test taken was a leadership test. The leadership test helps to evaluate the leadership qualities of the person taking the test. Entrepreneurs are leaders in their respective businesses. To be a successful entrepreneur, a person has to be a good leader.