
2017-05-12 00:59

My study examines a fact within the framework of a school embodied in the Cypriot educational system. Thus, its characteristics fully accord with the characteristics of case study methodology. The case study methodology does have some weaknesses, however, that the researcher should be aware of. Because my investigation is mostly being conducted in real time there is not the option of contacting the sample again to cross-check/verify? results. Thus, the results of the research could be seen as 'subjective and biased', given that the study is qualitative (Bell 2005: 11; Cohen et al. 2001: 184). In addition, the researcher can be influenced by his own beliefs and bias, so the results are influenced by subjectivity. Although not much can be done to enable cross-checking, the researcher can try to avoid distortion in the results. The researcher should try not to be influenced by his own perceptions and also not reveal his own opinion and ideas to avoid influencing those in the sample and to encourage them to say what they actually think.Another limitation that the researcher should consider concerns generalization. Whilst the case study method permits this, it may not be possible as most of the time the incident under investigation is unique and drawn from the life itself (Bell 2005: 1; Cohen et al. 2001: 184; Bassey 1999). Descombe (1998: 36-7) argues that 'the extent to which findings from the case study can be generalized to other examples on the class depends on how far the case study example is similar to others of its type.' However, the phenomenon I am investigating is commonly found in the literature and amongst academic researchers. It would be possible to repeat an investigation of this sort in the same school or in a different school environment. This should not be a problem as Greek-Cypriot schools present uniformity in a number of factors: student origin and staff turnover and staff education. The subject is also quite typical and, in reality, not so unique. Generalization, in this case, is feasible, whilst the results of this research can act as a pilot if another researcher wishes to conduct another similar study.