
2018-05-14 23:44

Being Mexico a developing nation, it still has a long way to progress. Education in Mexico is barely finding its way, so the government is trying to find the better educational programs possible, and is trying to give teachers the right preparation to give students the best opportunities possible. Unfortunately, there's still a lot of poverty in Mexico, so a lot of kids are not able to afford a school. Without that money, the government is not able to find better educational programs, and isn't able to employ the necessary, and right teachers.Today, the government is trying to offer a lot of help for low-income kids that want to get educated, but there are not enough teachers for so many students. According to the press release 15 de Mayo, Día del Maestro, "one million and 730 thousands of teachers educate 33.5 millions of students, and only fifteen percent of this teachers are of the high school level" (2008). As I researched a little more I realized how Mexico needs more teachers, and needs to prepare them better. The U.S. Department of Labor (2010) found that the United States have around three times more teachers than Mexico. Also, in the United States teachers are distributed according to the population, while in Mexico there are a lot of schools in need of teachers. The publication says