
2019-06-20 00:38

作为亚太地区最大的食品公司之一,阿诺特还参与了环境政策的制定,以履行其以尊重和保护我们家庭的方式经营业务的承诺。阿诺特还致力于减少能源消耗。该公司是国家包装公约的签署国之一。阿诺特的目的是尽量减少包装材料的使用,并确保消费者包装废弃物的环境影响得到控制和最小化。金宝汤马来西亚公司成立于1995年12月,是一家以马来西亚为基地的跨国食品公司,总部设在美国,在澳大利亚设有办事处。金宝汤马来西亚是一家专业生产和销售汤料和调味料的世界领先公司。2002年,《读者文摘》以优异的品牌表现奖认可了坎贝尔的世界级投资组合。此外,金宝汤还获得了许多奖项和认证。Campbell 's Arnott 's是亚太地区企业,总部位于澳大利亚悉尼,向澳大利亚、新西兰、大中华区、印度尼西亚、日本、韩国、马来西亚、菲律宾和新加坡供应饼干、汤、酱汁和饮料。该品牌组合包括阿诺特(Arnott’s)、蒂姆•谭(Tim Tam)、Nyam Nyam和Good Time biscuits、坎贝尔(Campbell’s)和斯旺森(Swanson)汤、股票、酱汁和V8饮料。他们在澳大利亚、印度尼西亚和马来西亚都有生产设施。他们还在泰国、文莱和越南销售和分销金宝酱油和Cheong Chan中国民族酱油等品牌。
As one of the largest food companies in Asis Pacific, Arnott’s also involve in environmental policy to fulfill its commitment to run business in a method that respects and protect our family. Arnott’s also put efforts on reducing energy consumption. The company is one of the signatories to the National Packaging Covenant. Arnott’s intend to minimize the use of packaging material and ensure the environmental influences of consumer packaging waste are under control and minimized.Campbell’s Malaysia operating since December 1995, is an established multinational food company based in Malaysia with headquarters in the USA and regional offices in Australia. Campbell’s Malaysia is a world leading company specializing in the manufacture and sales of soup and sauces. Reader’s Digest recognized Campbell’s world-class portfolio with an Outstanding Brand Performance award in 2002. Also, Campbell has achieved many awards and certifications.Campbell’s Arnott’s is Asia Pacific business, headquartered in Sydney, Australia, and supplies biscuits, soups, sauces and beverages to Australia, New Zealand, Greater China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. The brand portfolio includes Arnott’s, Tim Tam, Nyam Nyam and Good Time biscuits, Campbell’s and Swanson soups, stocks and sauces and V8 beverages. They have production facilities in Australia, Indonesia, and Malaysia. They also market and distribute such brands as Kimball sauces and Cheong Chan ethnic Chinese sauces in Thailand, Brunei, and Vietnam.