
2019-02-28 20:03

标题暗示了一个清晰的夜晚背景,以一种象征性的方式,这个背景是在一个像夜晚一样黑暗和漫长的时间。在世界历史上,Elie Wiesel所处的时代是如此险恶,以至于许多人都不相信它会发生。大屠杀、第二次世界大战、纳粹德国对东欧国家的侵略,都是Elie Wiesel在《夜》一书中对这一切生存下来的第一手记述的背景和背景故事。从特兰西瓦尼亚的希盖特开始,“一个连地图都没有的小村庄”(出生地)埃利,他的家人和许多其他犹太人感到安全。他们远离了1941年的正常生活。几年过去了,纳粹的威胁越来越近,他们的日常生活发生了改变,他们被迫搬家,戴上星星,最后在1944年被送往德国最大的死亡集中营奥斯维辛。(奥斯威辛-比克瑙)抵达比克瑙的男女一下车就被分开。在这一刻,那么多的家庭和亲人都在最后一次对视,没有一个人有先见之明,甚至都不知道这一点。以利也是这样,“我不知道这是我永远离开母亲和齐普拉的时刻和地方。(Wiesel p.29) 1944年,Elie和他的家人在夜间(大约午夜)来到比克瑙,对两名家庭成员来说,这里也是他们最后的安息之所。
The title suggests a clear setting of the nighttime and in a symbolic way the setting is during a time as dark and long as the night. Elie Wiesel lived through a time in world history that is so sinister many people refuse to believe it could have even happened. The Holocaust, World War II, Nazi Germany invasion of Eastern Europe countries, all are the setting and background story for Elie Wiesel firsthand account of surviving it all written in his book Night. Starting in Sighet, Transylvania “a small village that didn’t even make the maps” (Birthplace) Elie, his family, and many other Jews felt safe. They were far from the action in 1941 living their normal lives. The years passed and the Nazi threat grew closer their daily routines were changed, they were forced to move, to wear a star, and finally to be transported in 1944 to Auschwitz a German concentration camp, the largest of the death camps. (Auschwitz-Birkenau) Arriving at Birkenau men and women were separated as soon as they exited the train. In the moment so many families and loved ones were looking at each other for the last time, and none had the foresight to even know it. The same was true for Elie, “I didn’t know that this was the moment or the place where I was leaving my mother and Tzipora forever.” (Wiesel p.29) In the night (around midnight) Elie and his family were in Birkenau in the year 1944 and for two family members this was also their final resting place.