
2017-11-01 22:55

To do analysis in this study is applied the literary approach. The writer used structuralism approach. Structuralism can be viewed as one of the literary approach that emphasizes the study of the relationship between elements of the development literature is concerned (Abrams in Nurgiantoro, 2002:37). Structural analysis of literary works, which in this case fiction, can be done by identifying, assessing and describing the functions and relationships between the intrinsic elements of fiction is concerned. Identify and describe how the state of events, plot, character and characterization, setting, poin of view etc. (Nugiantoro, 2002:37).This study analyzes A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen as the main data. The play was publised in 1879 in Norway. The book that will be analyzed is A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Copyright © 2001-10 The Pennsylvania State University, which consists of 80 pages of 3 acts. The data will form of sentences and statements that related to women roles from the play.