
2017-04-08 00:39

Wells has suggested that talking and listening has been neglected as a focus area because of the widespread adoption of transmission modes for teaching (Wells, 1992). These are incompatible with modern theories of learning which suggest that group work can facilitate talking and listening much more effectively than teacher led discussion. Studies of talk in the classroom in the past fifty years have consistently shown that most of the talking is done by the teacher and there is a lack of open questioning (Fisher, 2006, p.34). Group discussion among children is vital for the development of a number of skills tying in with the idea that children must be active in the construction of their own learning. Group work should be encouraged as a way of allowing children to participate and shares ideas (DfES, 2003, p.12). Research has shown that although children have been grouped in schools for quite some time in the UK, collaborative work was rare (Simon and Willocks, 1981). Recent research carried out by Alexander has shown that this remains the case very often, with a lot of talking that occurs in classrooms being characterised by brief rather than sustained interactions, dominated by closed questions which are focused on children giving a single “correct” answer