Nursing Essay代写:临床医生

2017-03-20 00:20

重要的是,临床医生首先解决任何现有的和即将发生的危险因素。由于风险在任何给定的时间是可能的,并影响一个人的福祉,重要的是要识别和解决风险相关的情况下,在客户端的生命。此外,现有的高风险因素应首先解决,优先考虑客户的其他重要但不太迫切的需求。在儿童福利系统中,儿童往往是倾向于高风险因素的一个主要例子。主要关注的是风险和安全。 客户的需求也应考虑在他或自己的个人背景下。例如,一个老客户的需求应该在他年龄较大的情况下得到解决,并且在他的年龄范围和运作中可能需要为客户提供专门的服务。虽然更重要的是,他的个人需求应该特别倾向于,如他与抑郁症的长期战斗和当前阿尔茨海默氏病的恶化,而不采取客户的特殊需求,临床医生将错过大多数客户的显著需求。而不是试图满足客户为刻板和公式化的评价模式,它是最仁慈的包括客户的独特而重要的需求。

Nursing Essay代写:临床医生

It is vital that clinicians first address any existing and impending risk factors. Because risk is possible at any given time and affects the well-being of a person, it is important to identify and address risk related situations within the client’s life. Additionally, existing high-risk factors should be addressed first, before prioritizing the client’s other important yet less urgent needs. A prime example of tending to high-risk factors immediately is the case of children who are in the child welfare system. The primary concern is regarding risk and safety.
The client’s needs should also be considered in the context of his or own individual context. For example, an older client’s needs should be addressed in the context that he is older and may need specialized services for a client within his age range and functioning. Although more importantly, his individual needs should particularly be tended to, such as his life long battle with depression and current worsening of Alzheimer’s. Without taking the client’s idiosyncratic needs, the clinician will most times miss the client’s significant needs. Instead of attempting to fit the client into a regimented and formulized mode of evaluation, it is most beneficent to include the client’s unique and important needs.