
2019-09-28 21:00

在非ict课程中使用技术可以吸引学习者并增强学习体验(Wheeler and Winter, 2005)。然而,将ICT融入课堂实践需要平衡,这样它才不会减损物理和社会发展(AfC, 2000)。ICT可以嵌入到学习活动中,以改善协作学习(DfES, 2006),但它也支持活动和评估的个性化。为了遵守学校的电子安全政策(Sharples et al. 2009),涉及ICT的活动应该在创造性和安全性之间达成平衡。儿童需要发展ICT方面的实际技能,同时培养社会和认知意识,帮助他们在一个技术驱动的社会中取得成功。在非ICT课程中使用ICT的一个重要部分是逐渐鼓励幼儿认识到信息和知识之间的差异(Nutt, 2010)。ICT为调查和检索信息提供了新的手段(BECTA, 2009),并赋予学习者(blow, 2009)新的交流模式(Bearne, 2003)。然而,如果没有将信息和数字话语转化为知识和理解,这些好处将被证明是无关紧要的。技术对于非ict课程的学习有巨大的优势,而劣势和障碍可以由教育者来管理。然而,归根结底,对未来真正重要的不是孩子们在整个课程中使用什么信息通信技术,而是他们使用这些技术的目的。
The use of technology in non-ICT lessons can engage learners and enhance learning experiences (Wheeler and Winter, 2005). However, the integration of ICT into classroom practice requires balance so that it does not detract from physical and social development (AfC, 2000). ICT can be embedded into learning activities to improve collaborative learning (DfES, 2006), yet it also supports the personalisation of activity and assessment. Activities involving ICT should negotiate a balance between creativity and safety, in order to adhere to the school’s e-safety policy (Sharples et al. 2009). Children need to develop practical skills in ICT, alongside a social and cognitive awareness that will help them to succeed in a technology-driven society.An essential part of using ICT in non-ICT lessons is that young children are gradually encouraged to recognise the difference between information and knowledge (Nutt, 2010). ICT provides new means to investigate and retrieve information (BECTA, 2009) and empowers learners (Blows, 2009) with new modes of communication (Bearne, 2003). However, these benefits would prove irrelevant without the transformation of information and digital discourse into knowledge and understanding. Technology can have huge advantages for learning in non-ICT lessons, while the disadvantages and barriers can be managed by educators. However, ultimately, it is not what ICTs children are using across the curriculum, but what they are using them for that really matters for the future.