
2019-04-17 10:08

TLLM reminds teachers that their responsibility is to stimulate the students’ passion in learning so that students are willing to take up challenges that come to them. Disseminating the information to the students should not be the only way to teach. Teachers should always check for the understanding of students by relating them with the materials. Other than that, teachers should help students learn that they are taught to live the tests of their lives, not to learn that their lives are full of tests.The TTLM initiative also calls on teachers to focus on the whole child instead of the subject. Teachers should put more emphasis on the teaching of good values and attitudes to the students, not their grades. In addition, teachers need to help students learn that the learning process is far more important than the results or the end product. Before jumping into the answers, teachers should treasure the teachable moment by throwing the questions to the students. Let them think and encourage curiosity.TLLM urges teachers to engage student more in learning and depend less on drill, practice and rote learning. Teachers should do more guiding, facilitating and modelling and do less telling so that students could take ownership of their own learning. Every student is different. Therefore teacher should apply various differentiated pedagogies to suit students’ learning. Student should be accessed more qualitatively over a period of time, and less quantitatively through one-off and summative examinations. Lastly, teachers should promote the spirit of innovation and enterprise among students.