
2018-10-14 23:24

科学实验是19世纪早期奥古斯特·孔德(Auguste Comte)提出的更广泛的传统实证主义学说(Coolican, 1994)的一部分。实证主义认为只有能够量化和测量的现象才值得进行科学实验。从这一哲学中产生的是假设演绎主义,它需要从这些理论中观察、发展理论、制定和检验预测,并相应地修改或支持理论。这一过程被许多研究者称为“科学方法”。实验常常被认为是科学(临床)研究的“金标准”。它需要在受控条件下有意识地操纵变量,以建立因果关系和临床设置中的重要因素。控制主要是通过随机分配参与者到不同的条件,有效地在不同的条件下平均分配人与人之间的差异,从而“平衡事物”。许多实验也是在受控环境下进行的,比如实验室。实验的基础是一些假设,包括人们可以从他们的社会环境中孤立出来,作为一个群体而不是个人来对待。此外,研究者有可能保持客观,与研究对象保持距离,因此对他们的行为没有影响。
Scientific experimentation forms part of the wider traditional positivist doctrine, developed by Auguste Comte during the early part of the nineteenth century (Coolican, 1994). Positivism dictates that only phenomena that can be quantified and measured, are worthy of scientific experimentation. Emerging from this philosophy is the hypothetico-deductive doctrine, which entails making observations, developing theories, formulating and testing predictions from those theories, and modifying or supporting the theory accordingly. This procedure is what many researchers refer to as the ‘scientific method’. Experimentation is often regarded as the ‘gold standard’ in scientific (clinical) research. It entails the deliberate manipulation of variables under controlled conditions, in order to establish causality, and important factor in clinical settings. Control is achieved primarily by random allocation of participants to conditions, effectively distributing any differences between people evenly across the conditions, and hence ‘balancing things out’. Many experiments are also conducted in a controlled environment, such as laboratory. Experimentation is underpinned by a number of assumptions, including the idea that people can be isolated from their social environment and treated as a group rather than as individuals. Furthermore, it is possible for the researcher to remain objective, remaining distant from the subject and hence having no influence on their behaviour.