
2017-08-10 14:48

I still have on my mind the words of Ravitch, "I am deeply grateful that my treatment was based on medical research and not education research. ... Otherwise, I would not be here to tell my tale" (Ravitch, 1998, p.33) and her insistence from her experience that educators have something to learn from physicians as she was also educators. The evidence based practice was first introduced on medical research as 'evidence-based medicine'. Their main source was the development of a particular kind of medical research - the randomised controlled trial (RCT) - which was designed as a way to assess the value of new drugs in order to check the claims of their manufacturers (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p.18). However, there is a movement in the late 1990s, in several countries and also in the UK, for both educational practice and educational policy to become more 'evidence-based'-or at least evidence-informed (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p.15). From my own experience of teaching professional practice has always been informed by evidence. What we teach on the class is based on evidence. It is a fact that reliance on a body of scientific knowledge has been treated as a defining feature of any profession, and has figured largely in the attempts by many occupations to gain this status. Looking back, in the beginning of the twentieth century it was taken to be one of the traits that marked professions off from other occupations (Flexner, 1915).