Media Essay 代写:音乐传播

2017-03-04 11:28

音乐传播通常与地点或地点有关,例如一段音乐常常会引起回忆的地方回忆的一片洪水,也许是谁在公司的人听的时候,花了一块肯定的心情。钢琴独奏会是文化活动的重点,用钢琴演奏会在世界各地举行的具体实例,借鉴从表演者和观众的演奏会的报道。思想的框架,感觉和行为发生在钢琴独奏会上不同于其他任何文化环境,主要是因为它最特殊和亲密的工具,一个连接播放器与亲密和中介的沟通者,一个纯粹的交际行为。钢琴是一种乐器,唤起非凡的激情,需要相当的奉献和耐心,加上技能和天赋带来完美的冲击性能。 有一些在钢琴演奏上的关键球员,至少他把他的艺术的钢琴家和起作曲家,通过仪器,给观众。作曲家是音乐思想的翻译成象征性的形式,通常是十二个半音阶的音乐墙。标准的西方音乐记谱法是高音谱号和低音谱号。每一个音符可以在线路或线路上的那块是给定一个时间签名表示音乐的节奏。其他符号表示音调、节奏、音量和感觉的变化。玩家的行为也从作曲家与钢琴家使用符号,包括意大利风格的形容词,虽然更多的现代钢琴作品的意大利往往是从作曲家的常用词汇替换。例子包括钢琴,意味着安静和复地,意义大。

Media Essay 代写:音乐传播.

Musical communication is commonly associated with place or location; for instance a piece of music will often bring about a flood of memories recalling the place the piece was heard, perhaps the people in whose company the time listening to the piece was spent and certainly the mood of the piece. A piano recital is the cultural event we will focus on, using specific examples of piano recitals held around the world, drawing on reports about those recitals from performers and audience alike. The framework of thought, feeling and behaviour which takes place at a piano recital is different from any other cultural environment, primarily because it the most special and intimate of instruments, one which connects the player with the listener in intimate and unmediated communication, in a pure communicative act. The piano is an instrument which evokes extraordinary passion, requires considerable dedication and patience, together with skill and flair to bring about a perfect percussive performance.
There are a number of key players in a piano recital, not least the composer who communicates his art to the pianist and onwards, through the instrument, to an audience. The composer is the translator of musical ideas into a symbolic form, usually the twelve semi-tone scale on a musical stave. The standard Western musical notation is a treble clef and a bass clef. Each note can be between lines or on a line and the piece is given a time signature denoting the rhythm of the music. Other symbols signify changes in tone, pace, volume and feeling. The behaviour of the player is also communicated from the composer to the pianist using symbols, including Italianate adjectives, although with more modern piano pieces the Italianate is often replaced with words from the composers’ usual vocabulary. Examples include piano, meaning quiet and forte, meaning loud.
