曼彻斯特作业代写 清洁饮食运动

2020-02-11 12:17

Panera Bread发起了一场清洁饮食运动,并采用了“食品应有的样子”的口号,并朝着2017年100%清洁食品的目标努力(。Panera以极具竞争力的价格提供透明的食材,将自己与竞争对手区分开来。有超过2000个地点在美国和加拿大的竞争和成熟市场快速、休闲餐饮经验,Panera Bread正在寻求新的方法来吸引目标消费者移动和数字技术为继续分化的食物菜单项和整体就餐体验(, 2019)。市场竞争激烈,Panera Bread必须继续寻找增加市场份额的方法,考虑如何吸引新的目标细分市场来尝试他们的产品,并继续保持现有客户对其品牌的忠诚度。市场概要:Panera Bread的市场是由消费者组成的,他们希望在不影响健康食材质量的前提下,获得快速、休闲、实惠的就餐体验。便利和快速的订单交付对他们的顾客来说很重要,但是他们所吃的东西是健康的知识也很重要。Panera打算瞄准的一个特定细分市场是更年轻的消费者,他们更关注数字化和移动设备(Solis, 2018)。而Panera将继续提供100%的清洁菜单,针对年轻的消费者,Panera希望收集更多关于客户的数据,以提供更个性化的体验通过社交媒体渠道,并通过定制通讯与客户,使他们感到更亲自与Panera连接到他们的就餐体验,从而有助于提高顾客忠诚度。
曼彻斯特作业代写 清洁饮食运动
In 2015, Panera Bread launched a campaign for clean eating, and adopted the slogan, “food as it should be,” and worked toward the goal of 100% clean foods to its completion in 2017 (  Panera has set itself apart from its competitors by offering transparency into the ingredients used in its food selections at a competitive price.  With more than 2,000 locations in the U.S. and Canada in the competitive and mature market of fast, casual dining experiences, Panera Bread is seeking new ways to engage targeted consumers with mobile and digital technology for continued differentiation of their food menu items and the overall dining experience (, 2019).  There is strong competition in the market, and Panera Bread must continue to seek ways to increase their market share by considering ways to attract new target segments to try their products and to continue to keep loyalty to their brand from existing customers.Market Summary:  Panera Bread’s market is comprised of consumers who want a fast, casual, budget friendly dining experience without compromising on the quality of healthy ingredients.  Convenience and fast order delivery are important to their customers, but so is the knowledge that what they are eating is healthy.  A specific segment that Panera intends to target is younger consumers, who are more digitally and mobile-focused (Solis, 2018).  While Panera will continue to offer a 100% clean menu, by targeting the younger consumer, Panera hopes to gather more data about its customers in order to provide a more personalized experience through social media channels, and by customizing the communications it has with its customers, so that they feel more personally connected to their dining experience with Panera, which can contribute to increasing customer loyalty (Solis, 2018).