
2018-06-21 11:44

把语调定义为“发音时声音的上升或下降”。他认为语调可以使说话者在说话时表达自己的情绪和态度。对大多数亚洲学生来说,语音中最成问题的部分是语调。他们发现很难听到“曲调”或辨别不同的上升和下降的音调模式。因此,一些亚洲语言的音高变化比英语少,尤其是日语。他们用词根的变化来标记重音,这就产生了所谓的“单调”语调。Wong(1987)认为英语是一种声调语言(不使用声调)。我们可以孤立地理解这些词,但如果我们把它们放在句子中,句子的意思可能会因语调的变化而改变。例如,“你要去图书馆吗?”(低而高的词库)但是如果你想知道两个人中谁同意得到书单,同样的词会有不同的强调“你要去图书馆吗?”,“你”的语气会很“深刻”,这与第一个问题不同。Jack and Willy(2002)提出英语发音中的其他问题。首先,拼写和发音的差异。英语中有很多单词都有无声的字母。因此,大多数亚洲学生,尤其是巴基斯坦学生,在不知不觉中发出这些无声的字母,使他们发音错误.
defines intonation as "the rising or falling pitch of the voice while pronouncing words or syllables". He believes that intonation enables speakers to express their emotions and attitudes when they speak. The most problematic area of pronunciation for most Asian students is intonation. They find it extremely difficult to hear "tunes" or identify the different patterns of rising and falling tones. Therefore, some Asian languages have less pitch variation than English especially Japanese language.They use pith changes to mark stress on the word level which result the so-called "monotonous" intonation. Wong(1987) suggests that English as a tonal language(not using tones).We can understand the words in isolation but if we put them together in sentences, the meaning of the sentence may change by a shift in tone. For example, "Are you going to the library?(low-then-high on word library) but if u wondered which of two persons agreed to get the list of books, the same words would have a different emphasis " Are you going to the library?", and the tone for "you" would be rather "deep" which is different from the first question.Jack and Willy (2002) introduce other problems in English pronunciation .Firstly, difference between spelling and sounds. There are lots of words in English language which have silent letters. Therefore, most Asian students specifically Pakistani students pronounce these silent letters unknowingly which make them mispronounce