
2017-04-07 00:35

在这个角色中四方应积极寻求克服的挑战和要发展多边反对维持现状。这是在四方会议在马德里会议形成协议书[见围兜]。国际法和外交的长处和先例应该由四方来指导和促进和平谈判。即,联合国决议规定的文章之前,“土地换和平”的原则,巴勒斯坦和以色列之间的协议,与阿卜杜拉王储沙特阿拉伯和平倡议,并进一步获得合法化的阿拉伯州在2002三月在贝鲁特的阿拉伯国家联盟峰会。此外,四方应借鉴建立在中东和平进程中的机制,借鉴金融和非金融资源,特别是善意和愿望,以结束冲突的国际行为者,巴勒斯坦人和阿拉伯人。[ 2007 ]见木苏甚至以色列也意识到它可能不会为了自己的利益继续追求非分辨率。由于激进的哈马斯一月接手2006巴勒斯坦人民的领导,和黎巴嫩真主党加强了对以色列领土的轰炸,不难看到非决议有不稳定的影响。相反,不寻求恢复和平进程,结束阿以冲突是具有毁灭性的影响地区稳定。
The Quartet in this role should actively seek to overcome challenges to progress and should multilaterally oppose the maintenance of the status quo. This is enshrined in the forming agreement of the Quartet at the Madrid Conference [see bib.]. The strengths and precedents set by International law and diplomacy should be drawn on by the Quartet to both guide and invigorate peace negotiations. Namely, the UN resolutions stated earlier in this essay, the principle of land for peace, agreements between the Palestinian’s and Israeli’s, and the peace initiative of Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, which has received further legitimisation by the Arab states at the Arab League Summit in Beirut in March 2002. Furthermore, the Quartet should be drawing upon the established mechanisms in the Middle East peace process and draw from the financial and non-financial resources available, especially the goodwill and desire to end the conflict by international actors, Palestinians and Arabs. [see Musu 2007] Even Israel is realising it may now not be in its interests to continue pursuing a non-resolution. Since the radical Hamas party took over the leadership of the Palestinian people in January 2006, and the Lebanese Hezbollah stepped up bombing of Israeli territories, it is not hard to see the destabilising effect non-resolution has had. On the contrary, not seeking a reinvigoration of the peace process and end to the Arab-Israeli conflict is having a devastatingly destabilising effect on the region.