
2017-11-18 21:59

There are lots of things all practitioners can do to help a child with language and communication difficulties. The level of adaptions required will depend on the severity of the child’s difficulties. You will need to discover how the child communicates and just how well they can communicate to be able to make the best adaptions. It would certainly be advisable for all practitioners to take part in a speech and language therapy total communication workshop. This will explain the ability to communicate by whatever means available. This may include a combination of any of the following. Natural gesture, e.g. painting, body movements, speech, vocal noises, signs, symbols, pictures and photos. Children are more likely to learn and take in more when they are not rushed and given time to listen. Slow your speech down so that they have more time to process what is being said to them or asked of them. Make sure the child is given time to answer a question. By rushing them into answering can make them feel they have failed and therefore less likely to want to attempt to communicate.