
2017-07-22 22:24

高等教育有许多不同的途径。学习过程的方法有很多,但要说的是E学习和传统教育之间的关系。这是电子学习和传统教育之间的许多争论。e学习是通过软件使用的在线学习和教学的类型。也称为在线学习过程。学习是学生在学习中使用计算机作为教育媒介的互动学习。E学习包括各种形式的电气支持的学习、教学,也有很多优点。e学习涵盖了广泛的应用程序和过程。一种类型的教育,学生在自己的工作,从任何互联网连接位置,通信和其他学生正在使用的电子邮件,视频会议和其他形式的基于计算机的通信。伦敦代写Essay:高等教育 .学习与学习距离一样,人们渴望利用这些技术并从网上获益,以扩大知识和获取新技能。多年来,几乎每一个教育机构都在使用电子学习,如中小学,这是提高学习成绩和提高学习效率的积极措施。但是传统教育是分开的。它在不同的方面有很大的不同,一个不同的地方是。要有地方,要学习,就要有多少学生亲自去上课。
There are many different ways to access the higher education. The way for to learning the processes have many but for to say about between e learning and the conventional education. This is a lot of arguments between e learning and the conventional education. E learning is the types of online learning and teaching using by software. Also known as online learning process. E learning is the interactive learning in which students are learning use the computers as an education medium. E learning includes the all forms of electrically supported learning, teaching, and also got a lot of advantages. E learning covers a wide set of applications and the processes. A type of education where students working in the own job from any internet connection location, communicate and other students are using for the e mail, videoconferencing and the other forms of the computer based communication. E learning is same as the distance studying and the people desire to use the technology and benefit from these online in order to expand the knowledge and for to acquire the new skills. For about many years, e learning are using in almost every educational institution such as like the primary and secondary schools at the positive step towards to improve performance and for learner to get more efficient. But the conventional education is separate. It is quite different in several ways, one of the different is the place. It is need to have the place and for to learning requires the numbers of the students personally to attend the class.