
2019-03-02 14:32

这六个命题侧重于性别、语言、社会经济地位和地理因素。然而,这些主张中的一个潜在缺陷是没有考虑到种族。本研究不考虑学生的种族,也不考虑种族背景对学生选择高等教育的影响。在美国,尤其是霍华德大学、斯佩尔曼学院、哈普顿大学等历史悠久的黑人院校,考虑学生对高等学校的选择时,这是一个潜在的局限性。由于与哈佛大学(Harvard University)等拥有360亿美元捐赠资金的知名高等学府相比,这些学校的捐赠资金并不多。, Holen, M。,他们不能提供同样多的财政援助。因此,许多学生决定去一个不同的HEI,它可以提供一个更有吸引力的经济援助方案,但代价是牺牲了在一个具有历史意义的黑人大学成为无与伦比的文化体验的一部分的机会(Gasman, M。,2009)。在美国,捐赠基金是大学最大的金融资产,是高校学生选择的主要决定因素。如果时间和字数允许,本研究将通过与美国高等教育机构的比较方法获益。该研究的另一个紧张点是术语的模糊性。首先,六个命题中的两个。命题2和命题6)没有提供一个对研究有效性提出质疑的描述。此外,在整个研究过程中,“不进入他”一词出现了9次。研究人员没有在这些句子中具体说明“不进入他的身体”是什么意思。需要问的一个重要问题是,“不进入高等教育”指的是休学一年、最终重返高等教育的学生,还是进入劳动力市场、从不追求高等教育的学生。这是一个很重要的区别,因为如果学生正在休间隔年,但将回到HE,这表明他们受到经济的影响,在开始他们的学习之前,拥有稳定的金融是一个重要的考虑因素。研究中没有统计数据来概括学生不追求高等教育的比例,也没有文字来解释他们的决定。这些是帮助在研究中建立深度的重要考虑因素。
The six propositions have a focus on gender, language,  socioeconomic status, and geographic considerations. However, a potential flaw within the propositions is not considering ethnicity. Student ethnicity is not considered within the study nor the impacts of ethnic background on students choosing a HEI. This is a potential limitation when considering student choice of HEIs in the United States, specially the historically black colleges including Howard University, Spelman College, and Hapmton University. Since these schools do not have large endowments in comparison to large prestigious HEIs such as Harvard University, with an endowment of 36 billion dollars (Mulvey, J., and Holen, M., 2016), they cannot offer as much financial aid. Therefore, many students decide to attend a different HEI which can offer a more attractive financial aid package, but at the cost of sacrificing the opportunity of being part of a unparalleled cultural experience at a historically black college (Gasman, M., 2009). In the United States, endowments are the universities’ largest financial asset and serves a major determinant in student choice in HEIs. This study would benefit by having a comparative approach to HEIs in the United States if time and word limit permitted.A further point of tension within the study is the ambiguity of terms. Firstly, two out of the six propositions (ie. propositions two and six) did not provide a description which puts into question the validity of the study. Furthermore, the phrase “not entering HE” occurred nine times throughout the study. The researchers did not specify in any of those sentences what it means by “not entering HE.” An important question to ask is whether “not entering HE” refers to students taking a gap year and eventually returning to higher education or entering the labour market and never pursuing HE. This is a significant distinction because if students are taking a gap year but will return to HE it shows that they are impacted by the economy and having financial stability is an important consideration for them before starting their studies. There are no statistics in the study to outline the percentage of students not pursuing HE and no words to explain their decision. These are important considerations to help build depth within the study.