
2019-02-05 23:03

此外,欧洲联盟基本权利机构(FRA)的结论是,自15岁以来,所有欧盟成员国中约有9 000万妇女至少经历过一种形式的性骚扰。这意味着近60%的女性遭受过性骚扰。这些统计数字证明,如果没有执行和硬性准则,批准《消除对妇女歧视委员会》这样的公约对骚扰和攻击几乎没有影响。性骚扰有一种令人沮丧的效果,它阻碍女性在工作场所维护自己的权利。在男性中,它强化了将女性视为客体的刻板印象。极端的性骚扰创造了充满敌意或令人生畏的工作环境,导致女性辞去工作去寻找另一份工作,或者完全阻碍她们去找工作。女性太害怕说出她们面临的问题,因为她们不想失去工作,但如果工作太紧张,她们会觉得除了辞职别无选择。在美国和欧洲的大部分历史中,女性在工作场所默默忍受着虐待和骚扰,几乎得不到保护,也没有出路。到了20世纪20年代,人们建议职业女性如果无法应对性侵犯,就应该辞掉工作(Hill, 2)。这些受到创伤的女性,其中一些是单身母亲,因为她们的声音被压制,无法维护自己的权利,失去了收入来源。此外,工作中的性骚扰不仅对受害者,而且对目睹性骚扰的其他职业妇女都可能产生重大后果。就像被骚扰的人一样,女性也尽量不把太多的注意力吸引到自己身上,以避免受到性骚扰。这妨碍了他们执行他们的最好,因为他们不想脱颖而出,即使这意味着牺牲潜在的晋升,加薪,确认等。(韦伯,52岁)这些女人的剥削和虐待,因为他们没有一个为他们战斗反对性骚扰的法律在美国和欧盟都没有充分执行。
 Furthermore, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) concluded that around 90 million women in all EU Member States have experienced at least one form of sexual harassment since the age of 15. That means that almost 60 percent of women have been sexually harassed. These statistics prove that having ratified a convention such as CEDAW has little to no effect on harassment and assault if there is no implementation and hard-set guidelines. Sexual harassment has a disheartening effect that hinders women from asserting themselves within the workplace. Among men, it reinforces the stereotypical view of women as objects. Extreme sexual harassment creates hostile or intimidating work environments that cause women to quit their jobs and look for another one or it discourages them from seeking jobs altogether. Women are too afraid to speak out about the issues they’re facing because they do not want to lose their jobs but if it gets too intense they feel as there is no other option but to quit. For most of American and European history, women quietly endured mistreatment and harassment in the workplace, with little to no protection or way out. By the 1920s, working women were advised to quit their jobs if they cannot handle sexual advances (Hill, 2). These traumatized women, some of which are single mothers, lose their source of income because their voices are silenced and they cannot advocate for their rights. Moreover, sexual harassment at work can have major consequences not only for the victim but for other working women who witness it. Like the harassed individuals, women try not to draw too much attention to themselves to avoid being sexually harassed as well. This hinders them from performing their best because they do not want to stand out, even if it means sacrificing potential promotions, raises, acknowledgements, etc. (Webb, 52) These women are exploited and mistreated because they have no one to fight for them as laws against sexual harassment both in the US and the EU are not adequately enforced.