
2018-06-13 15:55

当然,这与那些认为课外活动不仅不会对学术成果产生积极影响,而且事实上,课外活动会阻碍任何积极的教育成果的研究相联系。这一假设很大程度上要归功于詹姆斯·科尔曼(1961),在青少年社会中,他经常被作为课外活动和学者之间的“零和”交易模式的来源(Holland and Andre 1987;沼泽1992)。对“零和”假说的解释是,一个投资者的利润反映了另一个投资者的损失(即每个人赚1欧元,就会有人损失1欧元)。在他的研究中,科尔曼调查了典型的美国高中学生的社会秩序结构。他指出,尽管受欢迎程度很高(导致参加体育和啦啦队等活动),但学业优秀是一个“次要考虑因素”。零和逻辑非常通常用于研究参与课外活动,时间是一个固定的商品分开在不同的活动中,由于配方的性质(只有两个相互竞争的替代品),可用时间的总量是恒定的,个人必须减少对一个活动的时间以增加时间。
This ties in, naturally, with those studies that propose that not only do extra-curriculars not have a positive effect of academic outcomes but rather that extra-curricular activities are in fact, a hindrance to any positive educational outcomes. This hypothesis is largely credited to James Coleman (1961) who, in The Adolescent Society, is often referenced as the source on the ‘zero-sum’ model of transaction between extra-curricular activities and academics (Holland and Andre 1987; Marsh 1992). A very watered down explanation of the concept of the ‘zero-sum’ hypothesis is that one investor’s profit mirrors another investor’s loss (whereby for every 1 euro someone makes, somebody loses 1 euro). In his study, Coleman investigated the social order structure of students in the typical American High School. He notes that whereas popularity is pre-eminent (leading to participation in activities such as athletics and cheerleading), academic excellence is a ‘secondary consideration’. The zero-sum logic is very typically used in studies about participation in extra-curricular activities whereby time is a fixed commodity split among a various number of activities, due to the nature of the formulation (that there are only two competing alternatives) and that the total amount of time available is constant, the individual must reduce the time spent on one activity in order to increase time devoted to the other.