印第安纳代写Essay 商业环境

2016-12-23 11:59

随着商业环境正随着时间的推移越来越复杂,这对领导有效性产生深远的影响(卡特et al.,2000)。也许这就是之所以失败,不同的商业组织正在经历率明显增加,这可以从事实上不仅有良好的结构化产品在市场上已经经历的失败是显而易见的,事实上,曾经统治商业世界不同的组织现在已经成为历史的神话(郭士纳,2002)。这是因为这些组织不具有所需的领导谁能提供所需的动机和影响组织成员有效地把组织的长期目标,特别是当这样的组织都面临着他们的一个历史上最艰难的时间(一,2001)。

从本质上讲,大多数管理学者和从业者认为,经济衰退提供了一个伟大的机会,一个领导者,以证明他或她的才华。不仅一些世界上最知名的产品,现在占据市场,成为各自行业的领导者已经启动,当市场经历了严重的危机,谁把这样的决策被称为伟大的领导者(brandum,2006)。例如,苹果推出了其主要产品的成功能为组织提供了一个新的方向,iPod仅仅六周后的9 / 11事件发生,但是,大家都知道产品是苹果历史上最成功的产品之一。此外,该产品的成功推出使史蒂夫·乔布斯在企业界最成功的领导者之一。此外,2007-08年的全球金融危机,成为世界的企业最困难的时候;同样的萧条时期通过成功的创新和新的产品在苹果(苹果,但仍然成功2010)。


印第安纳代写Essay 商业环境

As the business environment is becoming increasingly complex with the passage of time, it has a profound impact over the effectiveness of leadership (Carter et al., 2000). Perhaps this is the reason that the rate of failure that different business organizations are experiencing has increased remarkably and this could be evident from the fact that not only some of the well-structured products in the market has been experiencing failures, the fact is that different organization that were once ruling the business world have now become the myths of history (Gerstner, 2002). This is because these organizations were not having the desired leadership who could provide the desired motivation and influence over the members of organization to effectively chase the organization's long-term goals, particularly when such organizations were confronted with one of the toughest time of their history (Ingle, 2001).
Essentially most of the management scholar and practitioners believe that recession provides a great opportunity to a leader to prove his or her talent. Not only some of the world's renowned products that are now dominating the markets and emerged as leaders in their respective industries have been launched when the markets were going through sever crises, the leaders who took such decisions are known as great leaders (Brandum, 2006). For example, Apple launched its major successful product that provide a new direction to the organization, iPod just six weeks after the 9/11 incident occur however, everyone knows that the product is one of the most successful products in the history of Apple. In addition, the successful launch of the product has made Steve Jobs one of the most successful leaders in the corporate world. In addition, the global financial crises of 2007-08, emerged as one of the hardest time for the corporate world; however Apple remains successful during the same depression period through successful innovation and new product offerings (Apple, 2010).
Realizing the significance of leadership, particularly when an organization is passing through recession or a period of innovation, efforts will be directed in this paper to critically investigate that how sound leadership could contribute to the organization's success. This is due to the fact that both period of innovation, and period of depression are transition period for the organization and successful leadership within an organization could guarantee success for the firm. This paper will essentially investigate the issue that how a leader could turn the problems into opportunities and how a leader could remain successful at the time when the organization is passing through a transition period of innovation or recession.