
2017-06-15 23:25

这个班的关键学者是Elton Mayo。行为的起源是人类关系的运动,是由于霍桑在西方电器公司工作进行了实验,在美利坚合众国,早在上世纪二十年代开始,Elton Mayo和他的同事们的实验否定了泰勒的信念,科学要求最高的生产力的一种最好的方式,这样可以通过控制试验得到的。霍桑的研究试图确定照明对工人生产力的影响。当这个实验显示光和生产力之间没有明显的联系时,实验开始观察其他因素。当Mayo和一群妇女一起工作时,考虑到这些因素:休息休息,没有休息,没有免费的膳食,工作日/工作周的工作时间较多,工作日/工作周的工作时间更少。随着这些变化,生产力不断提高。当妇女被恢复到原来的时间和条件时,她们创造了效率记录。这些实验证明了五个问题:在这一范畴中,系统论、情境论或可能性论、混沌理论和团队建设理论。系统论对管理科学和体贴组织产生了重大影响。一个系统是一个集合的部分,统一完成一个总体目标。如果系统的一部分被移除,系统的性质也随之改变。一个系统可以看作是有输入的系统。系统共享建议在系统的这四个方面中的每一个。
The key scholar under this class is Elton Mayo. The origin of behavioral is the human relations movement that was a result of the Hawthorne Works Experiment carried out at the Western Electric Company, in the United States of America that started in the early 1920s. Elton Mayo and his associates experiments disproved Taylor's beliefs that science dictate that the highest productivity was found in the one best way and that way could be obtained by controlled test. The Hawthorne studies attempted to determine the effects of lighting on worker productivity. When this experiment showed no clear link between light level and productivity the experiments then started looking at other factors. These factors that were considered when Mayo was working with a group of women incorporated rest breaks, no rest breaks, no free meals, more hours in the work-day/work-week or fewer hours in the workday/ work-week. With each of these changes, productivity went up. When the women were put back to their original hours and conditions, they set a efficiency record. These experiments proved five things.Under this category of theory are the system Approach, Situational or possibility theory, Chaos theory, and Team Building theory. The systems theory has had a significant effect on management science and considerate organizations. A system is a collection f part unified to accomplish an overall goal. If one part of the system is removed, the nature of the system is changed as well. A system can be looked at as have inputs. system share advice among each of these four aspects of the system.