
2017-06-18 23:46

Qualitative data is collected to aid 'understanding a human phenomena, discourse or interaction' (Lichtman, 2009) with other researchers (such as Yin, 2003; Sherman & Webb, 1988) emphasising the importance of the information gathered being a 'discovery that leads to insight' rather than looking for a predetermined idea (Sherman et al., 1988). The teacher interviews will be used to collect qualitative data for the purpose of both adding context and explanation to the outcomes of the Inventory. This method of looking at the data is called 'explanation building' with the data providing an explanation for the case as a whole (Klenke, 2008). In the case of this dissertation, as the author won't be in the school often and so the opportunity for the author to act as a 'primary data collection tool' will be limited, the element of teacher feedback will be crucial in providing a better insight into additional contextual and environmental factors for example: parental and peer influence. The importance of this role is pointed out by Klenke (2008) as he suggests that it is only in face-to-face situations, that the 'complexity and subtlety … which is human experience' can be 'captured'.The video observation of the children will enable both qualitative and quantitative data to be collected. Under this method, the qualitative information collected (behaviour) will be allocated numerical value using a coding system. This method allows for a snap shot of off-task behaviour to be commentated on with conclusions being supported with numerical values. However, it also allows for descriptive commentary where necessary to explain outcomes - for example: were some behaviours observed at particular points of the lesson or were any a reaction to a stimulation.