
2019-01-25 02:53

Certainty cannot be obtained by doubting everything. Rene Descartes fails to present an endpoint. Meaning, he doesn’t say when man has to stop doubting everything. Rene Descartes states “To conquer that habit, therefore, I had better switch right around and pretend (for a while) that these former opinions of mine are utterly false and imaginary.” He then states that he will stop doing so, until he finds a something that can counter-balance the weight of old opinion. All Rene Descartes does here is to present a means to an endpoint. But he never states what that endpoint is. Thus, rendering this kind of thinking unusable simply because one will never know when to stop doubting. The endpoint being certainty can also be doubted. This is because, how will one know that, that he is indeed nearing certainty or he has gotten to the truth. Rene Descartes offers absolutely no information whatsoever. All he does is again, state a means to an end.In Rene Descartes’ method of doubt the train of thought is always moving backwards. Backwards in the sense that in doubting everything, or by apparently destroying knowledge in order to reconstruct it, there is no sense of moving forward to certainty. The train of thought is always in the negative plain. In doing so, I’d like to point out, man cannot reach certainty or at least know when to stop destroying knowledge to reach that “certainty”, by doubting everything. There should be a means of moving forward to that certainty, but in doubting everything all you are doing is going back and in fact lowering the plane of knowledge by doubting it. “So what remains true? Perhaps just the one fact that nothing is certain?” In thinking like this, Rene Descartes disproves that the only thing he is trying to find.