
2017-04-09 00:38

当希区柯克第一次沉浸在电影剧本的“后窗”,他的优先级,无论激励因素,是建立一个凝聚力,动态的力量在屏幕上,这是可信的,它引导观众通过一个非常现实的,但编程的世界。他的行为定义从闷热的午后的玩笑,最后揭示谋杀和阴谋的本质上是这部电影的叙事。一个坚实的叙事必须符合观众通过一系列动作、对话和场景的变化,用很少的努力或灰色区域。在本质上,叙事是利用组织和电影技术,以建立一个故事的坚实框架。至关重要的是,通过叙述形式,导演的盟友观众与片中角色的操作,允许解释的关系,明确即将到来的挑战,并释放他们从这奇妙的旅程保持与分辨率的清晰理解。应该如何导演如希区柯克再发展一偷窥的摄影师谁享受生活间接通过他的邻居的生活坚实的故事呢?他可以简单地有一个字符走进房间,转向相机,并开始详细描述的所有事件的电影,因为他们发生。而在短暂的情况下,这种策略已被证明有效的一些导演,这是希区柯克的风格和戏剧动态乳化他独特的叙事能力。他结合尖锐的对话,搭配戏剧性的照明和各种音乐和背景噪声,除了多个场景的流动,在这种情况下,从窗口,提供观众有机会陷入偷窥身价百倍,正如我们的英雄,L.B. Jefferies已被迫做过去的六个星期。
When Hitchcock first immersed himself in the film script for “Rear Window,” his priority, regardless of motivating factors, was to create a cohesive, dynamic force on screen, one which was believable and which navigated viewers through a very realistic, yet programmed world. His act of defining this passage from sweltering mid-afternoon banter to a final reveal of murder and intrigue is essentially the narrative of this film. A solid narrative must comport the viewer through a barrage of action, dialogue, and scene changes, with very little effort or gray area. In essence, a narrative is the utilization of organization and film technique in order to build the solid framework for a story. It is essential that through manipulation of a narrative format that the director ally viewers with the main characters in the film, allow for interpretation of relationships, clearly identify the upcoming challenges, and release them from the hold of this tumultuous journey with a clear comprehension of the resolution.How should a director such as Hitchcock then develop a solid narrative about a voyeuristic photographer who enjoys living vicariously through his neighbors lives? He could simply have one character walk into the room, turn to the camera, and begin to describe in great detail all of the events of the film as they happen. While in brief instances, this tactic has proved effective for some directors, it is Hitchcock’s style and dramatic dynamic which emulsifies his unique narrative abilities. His combination of poignant dialogue, paired with dramatic lighting and a variety of musical and background noises, in addition to a multiplicity of scene shots which flow, in this case, from window to window, offers the viewers a chance to collapse into the voyeuristic catbird seat, just as our hero, L.B. Jefferies has been forced to do for the past six weeks.