加州论文代写 势力范围

2016-12-20 10:38





加州论文代写 势力范围

According to the sphere of influence and the important degree of a decision, it can be divided into strategic decision and tactical decision-making (Gang Kou, Yong Shi, 2011). Strategic decision-making refers the major decisions of direction to the enterprise development direction and development vision of the decisions that are important to the development of the enterprise overall, long-term. Strategic decision-making is usually made by top leadership of an enterprise. Tactical decision-making refers to the enterprise in order to ensure the realization of the strategic decision and management of local business decisions. Tactical decision-making usually made by the middle managers of an enterprise. Tactical decision-making is to serve the strategic decision-making.
According to the decision making body, it can be divided into personal decision and collective decision-making (Evan, 2012). Individual decision-making is relies on personal wisdom, enterprise leader use their own experience and knowledge of information for decision making. Collective decision-making refers to the combination of up and down by the conference organization for decision making. 
According to the decision whether always repeat, it can be divided into programmed and non programmed decision-making (Glen Whyte, 2005). Programmed decisions-making is to point to the problem of making a decision is often appear problem, there has been a processing experience, procedures, rules, and we can solve it according to the conventional way. Non programmed decision-making is to point to the problem of making a decision is not often appear, has no fixed pattern and no experience to deal with, we  should make a new judgment to solve rely on decision makers.
According to the decision problem, it can be divided ascertain decision-making, risk decision-making and uncertainty decision-making (Rita, 2011). Ascertain decision-making refers to that decision makers have fully understood the consequences; there are only one result for each alternative. Risk decision-making refers to that decision makers can know each scheme has different results and are conscious of their probabilities. Uncertainty decision-making refers to decision makers can know each scheme has different results and are not conscious of their probabilities.