波士顿代写Essay 动态学习

2016-12-21 13:05

林和吴(2013)和Jantunen et al(2012)描述了直流是分为三种类型:动态集成、动态学习和动态重新配置,一个类似的定义是由Eisenhardt et al(2000)。动态集成的一个方面共鸣的结果面试公司的能力有效地和有效地整合内部和外部资源。公司评估是一个国际公司35办公室和发现的唯一实例与其他办公室联系时当地办公室的功能不符合要求的工作建议。因此示例演示了小集成,这办公室,34人,如果有一个明确的公司的外部资源整合,将允许转移的知识和信息,根据Iansiti和克拉克(1994)它会对公司业绩影响,一直在汽车行业。

波士顿代写Essay 动态学习

Lin and Wu (2013) and Jantunen (et al 2012) have described DC as being divided into three types: dynamic integration, dynamic learning and dynamic reconfiguration, a similar definition is held by Eisenhardt (et al 2000). An aspect of dynamic integration that resonates with the results from the interview is the ability of the company to efficiently and effectively integrates internal and external resources. The company assessed is an international firm with 35 offices and it was discovered that the only instance with which other offices were contacted was when the capabilities of a local office did not meet the requirements of a job proposal. Thus the example demonstrates the little integration that there is with this office and the 34 others, if there was a clear integration of the external resources of the company it would allow for the transfer of knowledge and information and according to Iansiti and Clark (1994) it would have affects on firm performance, as has been the case in the automobile industry.