
2018-08-19 14:12

Children have their own learning story as they explore their social and natural environment. They have their own ways of solving problems and dealing with the issues they face. This makes them unique from one person to another. Furthermore, it helps adult understand the importance of seeing things lightly-no matter how difficult life may seem. Sometimes, it is better to learn from children because their innocence enlightens the adults-through the way they see ideas and things from their perspectives. In early childhood education, teachers are considering even the most basic aspect of child's learning. They identify and strengthen the flourishing skills and abilities of children based on each child's behaviour, actions, and words. Teachers are taking the opportunity to expand the ideas, thoughts, feelings, and abilities of each child when they see interesting events or behaviour. To further understand these ideas, several authors on childhood education provide learning stories. These learning stories illustrate the journey of toddlers in solving problems and accomplishing tasks. The purpose of this report is to discuss Ruby's shopping. This paper aims to explore Ruby's demonstrated skills and abilities in her imaginary world. Understanding Ruby's capabilities, skills, and personality enable teachers to use different strategies to nurture Ruby's experience and understanding.