亚利桑那代写Essay 农业

2017-01-22 11:53

亚利桑那代写Essay 农业

尽管直辖市是上西部地区的商业中心,农业仍然是主要的经济活动。它仍然是最大的单一贡献者,当地经济和雇用约70%的活跃人口。主要粮食作物有谷子、高粱、玉米、大米、豇豆和花生种植的生存基础。然而,大豆,花生,豆类作物生产为班巴拉。经济林木达瓦达瓦非洲酪内市,,芒果,猴面包树和柚木。 该地区的植被覆盖是几内亚热带稀树草原林地,由草和树的品种如Butylosternum Paradoxum(Shea(达瓦达瓦)树),Parkia biglolosa,Adansonia Digitata(猴面包树)、Anarcadium occidentale(腰果),阿卡西亚,埃博尼,其中Neem和芒果。在一年的不同季节,植被区的植物生活有了显著的变化.。因此,该地区的植被是开放的,由短草主导。在潮湿的季节,该地区看起来是绿色的,在干燥的季节,草干,大多数树木脱落的叶子,并容易布什火灾。人类活动如木柴采伐、烧炭,养殖、采石、建筑等都是对自然环境的结合。该市位于大草原的高平原,这通常是起伏的160,海拔300米,有两个主要的排水系统之间的平均高度,Sing Bakpong及其支流南和比利及其支流北境。旱季干涸,从而减少农业,家庭,工业和建筑用户的可用水。除华盛顿市中心的首都外,全市有八个近郊城镇.。然而,该研究将重点放在四个快速城市化的社区(布萨、Kpongo、charia /漯河村和Kperisi)位于几乎等距的市。

亚利桑那代写Essay 农业

Notwithstanding the fact that the municipality is the commercial hub of the upper west region, agriculture remains main the economic activity. It remains the largest single contributor to the local economy and employs about 70% of the active population. The main staple crops grown are millet, sorghum, maize, rice, cowpea and groundnuts cultivated on subsistence basis. However, soybeans, groundnuts, Bambara beans are produced as cash crops. Economic trees within the municipality are sheanuts, dawadawa, mango, baobab and teak. The vegetation cover of the area is guinea savanna woodland, which is made up of grasses and tree species such as Butylosternum Paradoxum (Shea tree), Parkia biglolosa (Dawadawa), Adansonia Digitata (baobab), Anarcadium occidentale (cashew), Acacia, Ebony, Neem and Mango among others. There is a marked change in the plant life of this vegetation zone during different seasons of the year. The vegetation in this area is thus open and dominated by short grasses. In the wet season, the area looks green and in the dry season, the grass dries and most of the trees shed their leaves and prone to bush fires. Human activities such as firewood harvesting, charcoal burning, farming, quarrying, construction etc. are all combined to modify the natural environment. The Municipality lies in the Savanna high plains, which generally, is undulating with an average height between 160 and 300 m above sea level and has two main drainage systems, Sing-Bakpong and its tributaries to the South and Billi and its tributaries to the North. The streams dry up during the long dry season thereby reducing available water for agriculture, domestic, industrial and construction users. Apart from the Wa central-the capital of the municipality, there are eight peri-urban towns within the municipality. However, the study would focus on the four fast urbanizing communities (Busa, Kpongo, Charia/Loho and Kperisi) located almost equidistance from the municipality.